Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Assalammualaikum and salam sejahtera,

This is my first time to write in English. Actually, what I'm like trying to say here is not my interested about writing. Just about to tell you about my insomnia disorder.

Insomnia is not a disease. It is a symptom and psychiatric disorders. Most people have had difficulty initiating sleep and have experienced the down-esteem. Generally, a sleeping disorder that lasts for less than a week is known as transient insomnia. Short term insomnia, is a symptom that lasts for three weeks; and it becomes chronic lasts more than three weeks.

Statistics show that women are more prone to having difficulty in sleeping than men. But, men are no exception because among people live in stress or mental patients. Stress is the main cause for short-term. Other causes transient and short-term insomnia include: changes in work schedule, stressful situations, withdrawal from drug, stimulant medications, sedative, and alcohol, too much noise near the sleeping area, jet lag, and acute surgical or medical illness.

There are psychological problems that may eventually lead to insomnia. Some of these include depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, stress, and schizophrenia. Travelers, seniors, pregnant women, menopausal women, shift workers, and adolescents have the highest risk of developing a sleep disorder.

Certain medications, including over the counter cold and asthma medicines, are associated to insomnia. Medications for high blood pressure, depression, anxiety and schizophrenia are known to contribute to the sleep disorder as well. Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol are lifestyle habits that also cause insomnia.

Insomnia alone is not lethal although the daytime symptoms of it can cause accidents and poor performance on one's daily activities. People who suffer from it have poor concentration, focus, and memory. They also tend to be irritable; hence they tend to have impaired social interaction. Due to an insomnia patient's lack of motor skills, he/she become more prone to accidents.

There are many ways to relieve this disorder and to get back to sleep fast. Some people turn to sleeping pills so they can sleep better. Medications, which are the easiest remedies to insomnia, are often not recommended by doctors to prevent addiction to it that can cause adverse effects. Such medications should be the last resort.

Here are some natural ways that can help one to fall asleep fast:

• Create sleep-conducive sleeping environment is one of the most basic things to do. Make sure the bed is comfortable and lights are off.
• Improve your diet. A healthy lifestyle will improve the quality of your sleep. Eat a healthy amount of dinner at least two hours before bed time, and get rid of unhealthy lifestyle habits that affect sleep.
• Avoid heavy intake of alcoholic beverages, coffee and tea, especially a few hours before bedtime. Contrary to common belief, alcoholic beverages do not actually help you get quality sleep. Although it may make you drowsy, alcoholic beverages actually most often reduce quality sleep.
• Most importantly, do regular exercise.

I got this article in ezine articles. Hope you like what I'm wrote and my symptom can reduce naturally. Thank you.



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